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The art
Cabra Serrano
Castelo Branco
Ovelha Amanteigado
Serra da Estrela
S. Jorge
Sto. Isidro
International Cheese

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Alcains Cheese

GARDUNHA - Superior Qualidade

The very intense and rather spicy flavour of cheese Cova da Beira, is not due to some condiment with maleguetta pepper, as many like to think, but only to the effect of a cure by salt in very special conditions.

It’s a mixture cheese of sheep and she-goat milk whith its origins in the time when brine (salt-water) was the only way to preserve the products.

The Queijo Queimoso Lidador is one of the few that still use the traditional process of making this peculiar cheese.

Therefore the cure of piquant cheese is made in Open Mountain in small granite houses, without windows and the floor covered with earth where the ideal conditions of maturation are found.

The very intense and rather spicy flavour of cheese Cova da Beira, is not due to some condiment with maleguetta pepper, as many like to think, but only to the effect of a cure by salt in very special conditions.

It’s a mixture cheese of sheep and she-goat milk with its origins in the time when brine (salt-water) was the only way to preserve the products.

The Queijo Queimoso Lidador is one of the few that still use the traditional process of making this peculiar cheese. Therefore the cure of piquant cheese is made in Open Mountain in small granite houses, without windows and the floor covered with earth where the ideal conditions of maturation are found.

There, cheese are salty and covered with straw, beginning that way a long cure process, where cheese are washed at fixed periods, again salty and covered with straw, by putting them first in horizontal and then in vertical over the straw on the floor.

Almost only ten months after having gone to the cure houses, the true piquant cheese sees daylight again, ready to take its evidence place on appraiser table.

Associação Barmen Portugal

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